The Economic Consequences of Immigration into the United States

Julian L. Simon (see also vita, bio, and writings)
College of Business and Management, University of Maryland, College Park
*Introduction and Preface
*Chapter 1
*Chapter 2
Some General Theory of Immigration's Consequences
*Chapter 3
The Demographic Dimensions of Immigration into the United States
*Chapter 4
Behavioral Characteristics of Immigrants
*Chapter 5
Effects of Immigrants upon the Public Coffers
*Chapter 6
How Much Welfare and Public Services do Immigrants (and Natives) Use?
*Chapter 7
The Effect on Natives' Incomes from Immigrants' Use of Capital Goods
*Chapter 8
The Effects on Technology, Productivity, and Native Human Capital
*Chapter 9
Impacts upon Natural Resources and the Environment
*Chapter 10
The Overall Effect of Immigrants upon Natives' Standard of Living
*Chapter 11
Job Displacement: Theory of Immigrants and Native Unemployment
*Chapter 12
Empirical Studies of Labor Market Effects
*Chapter 13
The Effects of Immigrants upon Income Distribution and Prices
*Chapter 14
The Sending Countries, the Immigrants Themselves, and the World as a Whole
*Chapter 15
The "Question" of Illegal Immigrants and Guestworkers
*Chapter 16
Evaluation of Immigration Policies
*Chapter 17
Conclusions and Summary of Main Findings
*Appendix A
Are There Grounds for Limiting Immigration?

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